Wednesday, February 25, 2009

One will not be able to Smoke Salvia soon…

On Web sites touting the mind-blowing powers when you smoke salvia, come-ons to buy the hallucinogenic drug are accompanied by warnings: "Soon to be illegal to smoke salvia! ... stock up while you still can if you want to be able to smoke salvia."
That's because smoking salvia is being targeted by lawmakers concerned that the inexpensive and easy-to-obtain plant could become the next marijuana. Eight states have already placed restrictions for people who smoke salvia, and 16 others, including Florida, are considering a ban.
Native to Mexico and still grown there, salvia divinorum is generally smoked but can also be chewed or made into a tea and drunk.
Some say legislators are overreacting to a minor problem, but no one disputes that when you smoke salvia your judgment and the ability to focus is impaired.


  1. thanks for the info on salvia. Better stock up before salvia divinorum becomes extinct. I can't do without my salvia trips

  2. If you want to:
    Smoke Salvia
    Buy Salvia
    take a Salvia Trip
    Salvia anything
    you have to leeeeave Ohio. Because they just made salvia illegal in Ohio :-(

    but if you are not in Ohio you can buy salvia here.

  3. Salvia is some pretty cool stuff. I can't believe that they want to make it illegal everywhere. It doesn't even last long enough to create any issues for anyone. Just long enough for somebody to have a great salvia trip and return, before anything happens.

  4. Hi there. Thanks for all your great input. I agree why can't those that know ZERO about salvia just find something else to bitch about ?! Or if you are going to rule on it/us then try it first.

  5. Ok here is what I have found. People like to complain about salvia being outlawed. If you do your research you will find that there are some good alternatives to salvia and they are LEGAL anywhere and everywhere. Check out this site for salvia trips and astral projection alternatives:

  6. The shaman entered a visionary trance that allowed him to see what steps have to be taken to cure the patient. This is still a common usage of salvia under the present generation of Mazatec Indians. The salvia plant is used for prediction, meditation and the search for the divine. Salvia is endemic to the Sierra Madre Mountains in Oaxaca, Mexico. In this region it is used by Mazatec curanderos and curanderas in different rituals. The salvia plant is mostly used when these shamans felt they needed to discover the cause of a patient’s illness in the supernatural world.

  7. Q. Is it true that it requires several attempts, before one begins to experience the full effects of Salvia?
    A: Many people report that they became more sensitive to the effects of salvia after they had tried it several times. Apparently it may take a few exposures before one becomes fully sensitized to Salvia's effects. I don't know why this should be the case, but I've heard it from so many people that am convinced this is a real phenomenon.

  8. I want to do it again, but I’m going to wait until, I am ready. Because it really felt, like I was not myself anymore but I was everything and everything was I. I look forward to doing it a second time, so I can be a little more secure in knowing what to expect and what not to do, and what to do right. With as much effort I did into cleansing myself, my apartment, and my spirit, I cant help but feel like I did something wrong, because I should not have peed myself, and I should have a better, and more vivid memory of what happened for those 5-10 min. of my consciousness. I will read up on other experiences to find some similarities and differences, and I will totally do a bit more research before attempting this again.

  9. DALLAS — With a friend videotaping, 27-year-old Christopher Lenzini of Dallas took a hit of Salvia divinorum, regarded as the world’s most potent hallucinogenic herb, and soon began to imagine, he said, that he was in a boat with little green men. Mr. Lenzini quickly collapsed to the floor and dissolved into convulsive laughter.

    When he posted the video on YouTube this summer, friends could not get enough. “It’s just funny to see a friend act like a total idiot,” he said, “so everybody loved it.”

    Until a decade ago, the use of salvia was largely limited to those seeking revelation under the tutelage of Mazatec shamans in its native Oaxaca, Mexico.

    Today, this mind-altering member of the mint family is broadly available for lawful sale online and in head shops across the United States.

    Though older Americans typically have never heard of salvia, the psychoactive sage has become something of a phenomenon among this country’s thrill-seeking youth.

    More than 5,000 YouTube videos — equal parts “Jackass” and “Up in Smoke” — document their journeys into rubber-legged incoherence.

    Some of the videos have been viewed half a million times.

    Yet these very images that have helped popularize salvia may also hasten its demise and undermine the promising research into its possible medical uses.
